Achieve continuous improvement by grasping opportunities!
Have you missed opportunities because you were not aware of them? Or due to fear?
It takes courage to overcome the fear of doing something new or introduce a change.
Achieve continuous improvement by grasping opportunities!
Have you missed opportunities because you were not aware of them? Or due to fear?
It takes courage to overcome the fear of doing something new or introduce a change.
In Washington, DC , at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.
During that time, people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Vibeke Holtskog and her stories inspires me. Here is one of them:
Once upon a time, a woodcutter applied for a job at a timber company.
Because he was both strong and eager, he got the job right away.
I was on a job trip, where the return journey did not go according to plan.
The result was a missed air plane, and Hertz received a damaged car in return.
What really happened and what was the root cause?
In Norway this is an Easter tradition, and my family is watching at least one crime serie during Easter.
Who can solve the crime first? Who is the murderer? What is the motive? Or the root cause?
Maybe an A3 can help you solve this year's Easter crime on television?
I have spent my holiday in Norway enjoying our beautiful country and made a summer greeting for you (texted in English). It is about "Working smarter not harder".
To work smarter, it's important to take breaks. Pauses give time for reflection and to see with new eyes.
Lean is all about flow.
I like smooth flow. It also applies to traffic. I do not like queues and unnecessary waiting.
I am impressed by the flow at Espa Bolleland, a Norwegian gas station 90 km north of Oslo.
We often stop here, and we are not the only ones...
What's so amazing with Espa bolleland, is that besides all their visitors, you experience a good flow.
I love to hear about people and businesses that succeed using Lean and Six Sigma. They practice the tools because of the value.
Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting a former colleague, Iver Frøsli, who combines a full-time job with farming.
I secured children who climbed up a 10-m high outdoor wall.
A challenge for many of them. Some came up on the first try, others had to give up because of fear or other reasons.
It was incredibly fun to watch the sense of mastery children experienced when they reached the top.
I will share a story that Vibeke Holtskog shared with me. Simply because it hit me. You might like it too:
A man was driving on the countryside and suddenly did not know where he was. The peaks on both sides of the road looked the same, and the road he would turn to the right never revealed.
I went to Oslo Summer Park with my son, where we discovered "Tigerspranget", meaning "Tiger Leap".
It is a 25 m high pole with a platform on top, where you can jump out while being secured.
It looked very exciting!
I signed up for Axtri, Aurland Extreme triathlon (8.15.2015).
Normally I find such challenges exciting, and that is why I signed up for this almost a year ago. However, this time I experience a lack of motivation.
Lean Tech AS | Kristoffer Robins vei 13
0047 481 23 070
Oslo, Norway
L - Look for solutions
E – Enthusiastic
A – Analytical
N - Never give up