Problem solving training

problem solving training Summer is a great time to relax and see things with new eyes. Maybe questioning our routines as this story is a reminder of:

A young girl stood watching her mother prepare baked fish for dinner. The mother cut off the head and tail of the fish, and placed it in a oven-proof dish.

The girl frowns. «Why do you cut off the head and tail of the fish? I thought you should bake the fish whole?»

The mother thought for a while and said, «I've always done it this way - that's what Grandma did, you see.»

The girl was not completely satisfied with the answer and went to her grandmother to find out why she cut off the head and tail of the fish before cooking it.

Grandma looked at her, a little puzzled. After a while, she replied: «I don't know either. My mom always did it that way.»

A few days later, the grandmother took her to visit her great grandmother. The girl took the opportunity to ask her about the fish mystery.

Her great grandma smiled smartly: «Because my oven-proof dish was too small for the whole fish.»

Making decisions are energy demanding, and habits help us save energy because we don’t need to decide every time. We can just repeat what we have done before.

However, not all habits are appropriate for us. Our ability to ask questions, gather facts and see with new eyes are important to challenge established truths.


Challenging established truths is important for continuous improvement and problem-solving.

Lean Tech's course calendar includes several opportunities to develop your problem-solving skills!

Training can also be arranged based on request. Lean Tech offers e-learning, classroom training, and virtual classroom.

Some of the training combines e-learning with virtual or classroom training. Details can be found in the course description.


Combining e-learning and virtual or physical meetings

This solution allows more time to support people where they struggle the most – the real world application of the tools and concepts!

    • It’s flexible. The e-learning can be completed at your own pace and own space! Group meetings (online or physical) supports you and ensure progress. 
    • It’s structured. The meetings create some structure around completing the modules and provides dialogue between learners to enhance the learning. The focus of these group sessions is to solidify learning, apply the concepts and get project work completed.
    • It delivers exceptional results. This approach results in better and faster improvements for organizations!

If you have question, reach out to us. Welcome to problem solving training!



Contact info

Lean Tech AS | Kristoffer Robins vei 13

0047 481 23 070

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Oslo, Norway

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