
rsz 1takknemlighet

It's the end of November and many people are celebrating Thanksgiving. For me November is a milestone because I started my company Lean Tech November 2013.

Statistics show that 70% of new businesses in Norway do not survive the first 5 years. I am both proud and grateful that my company has survived so far.

I have a lot to be grateful about: Customers who have shown me trust, partners who have included me and had faith in me, trainers who have inspired me and taught me new fields, not to mention those who have cheered along my way.

When I think about all I can be thankful for, it does something to me. It causes me to forget small matters, to appreciate what I have and to think positively about the future.

It turns out that gratitude has been the subject for researchers as well:

- Gratitude is one of the key factors for us to feel good about ourselves, says writer Paul Johan Karlsen, who has a PhD in psychology.

- When people are asked when in life they felt best, many says during moments filled with gratitude, says Karlsen.

- Being grateful is a good way to turn off the negative emotions and thoughts as disappointment, bitterness, dissatisfaction, he says in this article (norwegian).

Grateful people are happier and healthier shows research. Gratitude is much more than a spontaneous feeling. Gratitude is also linked to how we think and behave. Grateful people know how to appreciate something of value, and that people wish them well.

Gratitude is something we can practise and become better at. The interview with Paul Johan Karlsen includes some advices:

Practice gratitude

Create reminders in everyday about what others do and mean to you. One reason why we do not feel gratitude and happiness is that we forget all the good things we have. Move focus: Small irritations of everyday life often get much attention. Practice to rather give attention to positive experiences in everyday.

The American psychologist Robert Emmons recommends every week write down five things you are grateful for. There may be people, situations or things.

Reflect on whether it is someone you know who deserves to get a special thanks. Is there anyone who has contributed something positive in your life? Say thanks!

What are you grateful for? And how do you show it?

Thanks to everyone who has supported me, creating my own company! And thanks to Tone Sivertsen who shared her photos in this blog post.

Have a great Thanksgiving



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Lean Tech AS | Snøfonna 5

0047 481 23 070

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Lørenskog, Norway

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