Very engaged and focused throughout the course. Sticking to the agenda. Nice and pleasant.
After registering, you will receive an invoice within 1 business day. When invoice is paid you get access to the e-learning.
You have access to the training for 1 year and have unlimited number of attempts to pass the certification exam (if relevant).
Booking is binding. If you are prevented from participating yourself, a colleague can take your place free of charge.
If you cancel later than 30 days before the event, 50% of the participation fee will be charged.
If canceled less than 5 business days prior to the course, full participation fee is charged.
Unfortunately, sick leave does not give you reimbursement of participation fee, contact your insurance company regarding this.
Any cancellation must be in writing to
To arrange the course the minimum number of participants must enroll (minimum number of participants is stated in the course description). If not enough participants have enrolled, the paid course fee will be refunded.
Lean Tech cannot be held financially liable for any cancellation caused by Force Majeure. In such events, a new time is set in consultation with the course participants.
Lean Tech AS | Kristoffer Robins vei 13
0047 481 23 070
Oslo, Norway
L - Look for solutions
E – Enthusiastic
A – Analytical
N - Never give up