Problemløsning kurs

Problem-solving using A3


This training teach you how to use an A3 to solve problems. The A3 template we use follow 7 steps to structure your problem-solving.

The course consists of 2 web meetings of 2 hours. Classroom training can be arranged on request. 



About the training


This course teach you how to use A3 to solve a problem. The A3 template we use follows 7 steps:

  1. Background (why we should solve this issue)
  2. Current condition (neutral facts describing where we are today)
  3. Goals (the specific outcome required to succeed)
  4. Analysis (identify potential causes and prove the true root cause(s))
  5. Countermeasure(s) (identify viable solutions and choose based on your decision criteria)
  6. Implementation plan (actions, responsible and timeline)
  7. Follow-up (ensure lasting results using monitoring and response plan)

In the first web meeting, we review the A3 template, and you learn how to follow each of the 7 steps to solve a problem.

The next web meeting is about 1 month later. We will review all the participants' A3. You get answers to your questions and feedback on your A3.

You have about 1 month to practice A3. Choose a problem that is realistic to solve in 1 month .

If you completed only some of the 7 steps, no worries: We will go through what you have.


Learning objectives


This course enables you to:

  • Know what an A3 is and how to use it to solve problems
  • Know what information is relevant to include in an A3
  • Assess which problem is most important to solve right now
  • Know how to collect relevant data about the current situation
  • Set measurable goals
  • Identify potential causes of a problem using 5 Why & Fishbone
  • Prove root causes
  • Consider different solutions and choose the best ones based on your criteria’s
  • Prepare an action plan
  • Follow up using Monitoring and Response plan to create lasting results
  • You will learn to use an A3 for structured problem solving

  • Structured problem-solving; A3, PDCA, DMAIC & 8D
  • Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
  • Review of A3 with practical assignments:
    • Describe background and set the right scope
    • Measure the current situation
    • Set a goal
    • Understand Y = f (x)
    • Understand the terms symptom, problem, and root cause
    • Brainstorm potential causes and group them in a Fishbone
    • Make causes measurable and prioritize
    • Use 5 Whys to find true root causes
    • Prove root cause using observation and turning on / off
    • Evaluate, prioritize & implement solutions
    • Follow up to ensure lasting results

Practical information

Courses can be arranged on request and customized to your business needs.

Your own data can be used in examples and exercises. 

Open courses are arranged according to the Course Calendar.

You can start e-learning when you want. You have access for a year and unlimited attempts to successfully complete multiple-choice exam.

Lunch, refreshments, and drinks during classroom training are included, and you receive a course completion certificate.


Course location varies; check "Place" in Course Calendar.

Lean Tech is located at Igloo Innovation at SNØ (Snøfonna 5, 1470 Lørenskog) and organizes courses here.

We have an agreement with Thon Hotels and organize courses in other locations as needed.



rsz img 3561 til sissel

Sissel Pedersen Lundeby is IASSC (International association for Six Sigma certification) accredited trainer associate:

"This accreditation publically reflects that you have met the standards established by IASSC such that those who participate in a training program led by you can expect to receive an acceptable level of knowledge..."

Sissel has a Master in Chemical Engineering and more than 20 years' experience within manufacturing and environmental technology. She has practiced Lean Six Sigma since 2002, completing Black Belt projects and certification through Cytec (2004) and IASSC (2017).

She use Lean Six Sigma to create measurable results and want her course participants to be successful improving their processes. That's why her training focus on practical application.


"Inspiring, professionally competent, popularize a theoretical discipline"

Espen Fjeld, Commercial Director at Berendsen

"Academic highly skilled and clear performance. Fun and builds trust"

Jon Sørensen, Production Manager at Berendsen

"10/10 good at reaching everyone"

Erlend Stene, Sales leader at Berendsen

"Clear and well presented. Good at asking questions and listen (check understanding)"

Morten Bodding, Production Manager at Berendsen

"Made a difference, engaged and skilled"

- Participant from EWOS

"You are inspiring, positive and professionally skilled"

- Participant from EWOS

Anonymous feedback:

"Clear presentations and well explained"

"I thought it was very rich, with good examples that made me reflect"

Contact info

Lean Tech AS | Snøfonna 5

0047 481 23 070

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Lørenskog, Norway

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L - Look for solutions

E – Enthusiastic

A – Analytical

N - Never give up

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